
Mortal kombat shaolin monks smoke missions
Mortal kombat shaolin monks smoke missions

Basic attacks are done with X, Y, and B, while throws are performed with the black button. The control scheme works almost perfectly, and will rarely be a problem. For all other intents and purposes, Kang is the superior character. The only real advantage Lao has over Kang is a useful air combo. Lao has all of his MKII moves as well (hat throw, teleport, spin attack). As you level up, you'll be able to shoot low fireballs, air fireballs, and perform the bicycle kick from MKII. At the beginning, Liu shoots fireballs and does his trademark flying kick. These two characters have very different fighting styles, with Liu generally getting the better moves and abilities. The first time through, players can choose between Liu Kang and Kung Lao. Shaolin Monks is a game that is clearly meant to be played with two people. It's been proven many times that a game doesn't have to be at least 20 hours long to be great. Metal Gear Solid can be beaten in less than three hours. Keep in mind, Turtles in Time could be beaten in under a half hour. Don't let this fact keep you from trying out the game. If you're skipping the cutscenes and trying to beat the game as fast as you can, it can be done in 2-3 hours. The first time through in co-op mode (oops, I mean "ko-op"), it shouldn't take the average gamer more than 7 or 8 hours, and that's even if you're going after all the secrets. That's not to say the game is without certainly has its faults. This game is the best co-op experience since Turtles in Time for the SNES. If that thought ever entered your mind, or if you had any doubts about MK Shaolin Monks, get rid of them. Obviously, the main thought process there was "Great.another Sub Zero Mythologies disaster".

mortal kombat shaolin monks smoke missions

Many gamers blew off Shaolin Monks when they first heard about a new MK adventure game.

Mortal kombat shaolin monks smoke missions